- 100% owned, 720 hectares, Greenfield Rare Earth Project, No underlying royalties
- Bastnaesite occurrence within the claim blocks, with Allanite Group minerals (Cerny and Cerna, 1972)
- Bastnaesite, a cerium fluoride carbonate (CeCO3(F)), found in contact or alteration zones.
- The Allanite/Bastnaesite minerals, Cesium and Lanthium minerals, were identified within biotitic granite intrusives where sorting by physical flow in a crystal-mush environment occurred. This mineral segregation is commonly referred as a schlieren. Cerny et al 1972 identified Allanite within leucocratic, pegmatitic schlieren along the south shore of Roughrock Lake.
- Located on the Winnipeg River 9 miles NNW of Minaki, in westem Ontario. Geology of this Precambrian area was described by Derry (1930). The bedrock is mostly granitic with a few disseminated bands of amphibolite biotite gneiss and derived migmatites Allanite is fairly common in the pegmatitic bands, attaining up to 10x30 mm in size (Cerny and Cerna, 1972).
- Rare-earth elements found in bastnaesite can be used to produce magnets in speakers, microphones, and vibration monitors in mobile phones and other high-technology communication devices.
- In 1949, it was discovered at Mountain Pass, in California, USA